Zelda’s Cut – a weird yet wonderful tale of a woman and man’s transformation into their own desires

Philippa Gregory

You intrigue, baffle and almost appallingly amaze me at times. Yet I am forever hooked on a novel that bears your name on the cover.

My own vice – novel, white wine and a Krispy Kreme!

Zelda’s Cut was a charity shop find. Goes along the lines of, Oh there’s a Philippa Gregory novel I haven’t read. I barely read the blurb and just blindly take it to the counter.

But even the blurb wouldn’t prepare me for this one.

The novel reminds me of previous Gregory novels I have read, mainly the Wideacre trilogy. Three books which are nothing short of farfetched, yet still engross me to the point of needing to know how they will end and what will happen to the characters.

Same idea here.

Isobel Latimer is trapped. Trapped as an author no longer selling successful novels. Trapped in a marriage to a man who has an incurable illness. Trapped in her own self; in her self confessed mundane world.

As her novels continue to decline in sales and favour, Isobel must find a way to keep her husband, Philip and herself above water financially. So between herself and her agent, the elusive Troy, they create the magnetic, beautiful Zelda. Isobel writes under Zelda’s name to create a new lease of life for her writing. It is so far from Isobel Latimer novels, no one will ever believe it’s her. Zelda writes about a sadistic, passionate and erotic world which Isobel had never realised she could begin to imagine.

Not only must they create a best selling novel, they must also create Zelda. Isobel and Troy design and manufacture Isobel to become Zelda for TV interviews and public appearances. What they didn’t anticipate is the fascination they both develop for her…..

Meanwhile, Philip wants to build a swimming pool at their farmhouse in the country to help with his various ailments. This is when another elusive character comes onto the scene. Murray.

Philip and Murray strike up a brotherly bond and Philip’s health improves as their friendship develops. But this relationship also takes it’s fair share of twists and unexpected turns. And I mean, unexpected.

It is not my intention, dear Reader, to spoil any novel for you, and the above outline does the novel no justice, but without deliving too deep into the plot, I want you to make your own mind up.

Keep your mind open. The novel will fascinate, delight and sometimes shock you. Twists and turns which I certainly didn’t see coming.

Isobel herself also takes me to places in my own thoughts. She is so used to her own life, she takes huge leaps out of her comfort zones to create Zelda and Zelda’s life. Her thought processes and chances she takes make you assess your own life. How can you make things different? Learn to embrace fear rather than seek to avoid it

And the ending dear Reader, oh the ending….

Philippa Gregory is not just a historical, Tudor court novelist. One may wonder how or why she comes up with these concepts like in this novel and Wideacre. But one things for sure, they aren’t my usual reads, yet I am utterly compelled to read more and delve more into the literary creations and mind of one of my favourite authors.


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